It has been way to long since I last blogged and I hope you are all in for a HUGE post... We have been out of range for a while. I hope you enjoy catching up.
We left Hahndorf with the crappiest weather. Neil decided that he loved the Merlot Jelly so much that we had to go back into town for another jar. I was thewet pet that got to run in, trying to avoid floating away. It truly was such a change to the beautiful day we had before.
We made it to Gumeracha just in time to see a huge branch fall from a large gum, narrowly missing a new Landcruiser. Secretly I was hoping that one would fall on the T-Van…
We had a fantastic time at the “World’s Biggest Rocking Horse”. They have a fantastic toy shop with the most beautiful wooden toys. Some of which they make themselves. We tol
d the boys they could have one thing each which thankfully didn’t turn out as bad as it could have. They both chose these cute little robot things that are held together with elastic. You press a plate on their base and they collapse. I am sure you all know what I mean.

We were there in time for lunch so had a great feed and the kids had a play on some of the toys they had set up in the café. I just love this photo of the 3 of them on the rocking horse. Casey is actually holding Milla, he did a great job.
The rain then stopped long enough for the littlest boys and I to climb the Rocking Horse. Casey came with us to the first platform, Nathan then decided that we were going to climb to the head!! Yeh, goodcall kid. Don’t you know that it is blowing a gale and your Mum is petrified of heights??

Anyway, I dropped Case back with Neil and put on my brave face. Nath climbed like the monkey he is and did a great job with his slippery gumboots and frozen paws. I thought he would be satisfied with getting to the horse back. Who was I trying to kid!! Nope, I am met with “C’mon Mum, let’s go to the head. You’re not scared are you??”
The view was beautiful from what Nath tells me. I was too busy peering through my fingers!!
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