Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First stop El Questro

That afternoon we made it to El Questro resort.
Crossing the upper reaches of the Pentacost river Above 

Livin it up! no I don't have a drinking problem

Any moment Kiley is sure to appear. I have a feeling in my bones. It turns out the chopper was flying people out to fish for Barra on some billabongs in the area. They fished well was the story around the bar that night. No road access only by air... When I win lotto

Imagine the thoughts going through this guys head when he woke up to this! We could hear the bull scratching the ground looking for food the evening before. I'm glad it was him & not us

Today we decided to take in a few gorges in the area . With limited time on our hands we decided on Emma gorge and Zebedee hot springs on recommendation of the staff at El Questro. Emma gorge was a 1k walk in taking about 45 minutes. Enroute I nearly stepped on this little fella. He looked to have just pounced on something as his gullet was full. I ran screaming back to Troy yelling Snake Snake... After drumming into Troy snake safety 101 he wasn't impressed. Stand still & let them pass... hmmm all good in theory. We turned back & after all the song & dance I made the snake was still hanging around. I reckon he wanted an encore

Checking out the main pool

The main pool had the most awesome rain droplet waterfall. There was also natural hot springs seeping up underfoot. You could pick your preferred water temp by moving a little to the left  or a little to the right once you found one. It was very popular & at the end of the session we had several groups enjoying the water.

Another plunge pool just down from the main water fall.

The next spot was Zebedee hot springs. The pools aren't very big. The car park has spots for maybe 10 vehicles & at which point it states that if the car park is full so are the springs please come back later. 

We were fortunate enough to share it with only one other group being a couple from Germany. The springs close after midday to allow tour groups to use them & restrict the impact on the springs. I wouldn't rate them in the mid afternoon heat but for a morning dip it was pleasant.

Yea baby !

Below Rock art ElQuestro style

 A thunder head builds in the distance

and dissipates just as quickly

That night we hit it hard with the local workers at Elquestro. Most only had a few days to go before the end of season so the place was party central. This one interesting character near the bar caught my attention & after a few beers & thought I would have a chat & get his story. Turns out Buddy built most of this place with his bare hands.  You name it the guy had a story for just about everything. A bit like old man Simpson with a bit more reality to the tale. Turns out Buddys favorite past time is cornering unsuspecting travelers at the bar for a yarn. He's a bit like an old Croc. He sits on his rest waiting , curiosity gets the better of you so you get closer & closer . Before you know it he's got you. Well worth a chat to the old boy if ever your up this way

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