Today can only be described as breath taking. We hit the Flinder’s Ranges Brachina Gorge and were completely blown away. Every where we looked one of us was exclaiming, “Oh wow.” We saw emus, kangaroos and rock wallabies. This kids loved it.
We found our way to a little homestead in the old town of Farina. The camp site is accessed by driving through the ruins of the old town. There was a shower that was heated by an old donkey heater. The queue for the shower was huge and we decided we could wait til the next day. I braved the toilets with the kids and had to wait until Nath had finished weeing before I pointed out the 4 baby frogs that were calling the toilet block home. I decided I could wait…
The boys finally seem to be settling into life on the road and are brilliant at keeping themselves amused while the van is set up. Today they rode their bikes around and around and around. Well, actually Nathy did. Casey just likes to push his!!
The next morning we went for a drive back to the ruins and had a look around the old buildings. It was so interesting. In it’s hey day Farina was a thriving town. Farina is Latin for flour and someone in their wisdom thought that it would be good land for growing wheat. Unfortunately it was not to be so. The town was one of the main stops on the Ghan Railway line. It had 3 police stations, 2 general stores, bakeries, a pub. The town would have been amazing. It’s last resident moved on in 1982.
So glad to hear from you. sounds like you are having an amazing time. seeing loads of interesting things along the way. Loving the blog up dates. Keep us posted miss you & stay safe xx