Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fatboys do Darwin

Ready to Roll Another board on the roof. Unlikely to see any surf for the next 3000km but just in case 

First stop Mindil markets A spot of dinner & watch the sunset with the rest of Darwin
I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire.
One of the street performers at the markets

Back at Camp the next morning a "chicken head" Aka Ibis looks for his breakfast

As its Troys first time in the Territory I figured a croc park would be educational.  Yes fatboy you get to see lots of these things floating about... If your lucky you see them first but generally its the other way around. Troy did his best to get eaten though. While feeding the juvenile crocs he was brave enough( some would call it stupid) to try & cast out the back of the enclosure to catch a real big one... A little fella saw a golden opportunity to try and take a nip of Troy's forearm. It was like watching a train wreck unravlling in slow motion before my eyes. I was yelling out PPPuuullllllllll yyyooooouuuurrrrr aaarrrrmmmssss iiinnnnnnn. I managed to get the message out just in time & as the croc lunged up Troy was moving back behind the perspex wall and the croc got to taste the fishing reel instead of his arm.... That was the best $25 troy ever spent. Croc safety 101 Stay away from the water. Stragely enough he now stands behind me when we go fishin.... smart lad. 

HHHhmmmmmmm   Barra.... Its a Myth. There are no Barra in the Territory. They only exist in Aquariums and are all but extinct in the wild....   

Man eating crocodile! sorry it had to be done

Your tough now with this 6 inches of perspex between us .....

Next day fishing on the Mary river at Corroboree Billabong... Trying to catch one of those mythical wild Barra... Capitan Troy trying his best to get us ship wrecked on Gilligans Island

A day fishing with Darwin Barra Base. After 6 hrs trolling this is as good as it gets... Troy did hook what some could call a Barra but it threw the lure. Can't confirm if it was a Barra as we didn't land it. The way it was dancing on its tail you could almost say it was one but....... I still recon its a Myth...There are no WILD Barra in the Territory   

I have it on good authority that we are doing it all wrong. You don't just cast out lures all day long trying to bash one on the head with the damn thing. Catch live bait. If only the cast of the net was productive... Another Myth... No live bait in the Teritory

Troy gave up with the idea of ever using live bait & went back to trying to bash a Barra over the head with a damn lure... Another Fanny bay evening storm in the back ground

I wonder if any of them have seen a Barra?  Crusin Darwin Harbour at sun down....

With a sunset like that there has to be a god.... ...Wild Barra.... Pfffff

With  the fridge full of beer & empty of Barra we head to our next destination...

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