Wednesday, October 13, 2010


With croc saftey 101 now under our belt we figured we had it sussed. To help us along on out travels the NT parks & wildlife were kind enough to place additional warning signs up in the event that we would have a moment of madness & contemplate going near the waters edge..
The view from up top at Gumlom.. Guaranteed croc free
up top plunge pool
 ahh the serenity
Troy swam over to the water fall. The ranger assured me it was OK but i just couldn't do it and take the plunge into the darkness
That night we had our best thunder & lightning show to date.  Who needs a telly.
A cold beer & Gourmet Pizza's for dinner
Camp the next morning
The base of the falls at Gumlom. Very inviting
Noodle in tow...
Plenty of freshies about.Wore my Grey Nurse hat with the big teeth just in case...

Finally something bigger than the car...

Saw photos of this place from a neighbour at camp back in Darwin. The name says it all. Yep " wild " Barra and you guessed it NO FISHING!!!!!

Overflow from up top care of the last nights storms meant the water was now murky  We couldn't see 2 feet underneath us which may have been a good thing. I had seen under water photo's of this place & there are HEAPS of fish at your feet. The water was fantastic & worth a dip anyhow. The walk back to the car park followed the creek down stream for about 1km. There was a reminder exactly where we were with a croc trap waiting to catch the next critter that ventures up stream when the wet season opens the place up for there migration to the next water hole.
South alligator river crossing
no swimming here!
A frill neck lizard headed north away from the lens

The views from up top at Ubirr. We sat & watched the sun set that night & cracked open a cold one only to be told no drinking in Kakadu unless back at your camp! bugger it was nice and cold as well. we put the cap back on & saved it for camp.

Just to clarify..... There was a 2mtr drop to a very shallow beach just in front of us. The locals say it was the only safe place to fish... 

I can't see the problem. Tastes good to me. I'm not a bad person ... All I ask for is one Barra

Nature at its creative best

Elvis is alive and well!  This guy rocks. What a Fro! He would also win any Movember pole by a long shot.... He's got it all

A rock painting at Ubirr of the now extinct " wild" Barra Even the locals used to catch them with their bare hands. We have modern day technology on our side & still nothing!

Tasmanian tigers used to live in these parts 4000 years ago.. with the Barra

This dude is the protector of the lands. The belief is if you take something away from its surrounds and upset the balance you will be cursed & have bad luck. No souveniring stones from this place.  

Troy hunting back packers at Ubirr

360 degree views all as good or better than this one

Mimi are spirits that do the paintings up high on the rocks. They are very tall & thin & only come out on very calm nights or else they could get blown away in the wind. They are so strong the can pull the rock down & return it when they have finished there art work. Its got me buggered how they got that painting 10 mtrs up on the underside of the cliff!  

Cahills crossing
Crock in waiting. They say you can size a croc by measuring the distance from his nostrils to his eyes & times it by 7.... This one is friggin huge!

The truckies waiting for the water to subside after a high tide so they can cross over into Arnemland.
Soon after i took this photo a silver Ford sedan with a couple of Korean blokes made its way down to the crossing oblivious to what was happening at the bottom. Maybe they knew something I didn't.  I reckon they didn't have a custom snorkle setup. I do think they would have been able to walk on water  should they have got stuck!

See Tan I told you I would use it... Cleaning out the indicators after a close call by a close follower

Living it Large...hhhmm MEAT!

No greenery in sight... Scurvy to follow shortly.

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